Sunday, July 27, 2014

Opening Statement

Welcome to Real Nigga Radio the blog... Here, everyone out there who is real to there self not to trends, fashion, the streets, etc. but to self... In this blog we will tackle lives issues together... We will take the bullshit, that life throws at us for what it is, not what its made out to be... My objective is for every member of this blog to leave there computer a better person after reading what not only I have to say but also you guys. Life is a broad spectrum no one was given a handbook on it but this blog should be as close at it gets... I am HUMAN just like you guys so i won't be close minded to how you feel as well as how i feel to every topic... I also have all have accounts on all the social media networks... I encourage all readers to seek those accounts out seeing as the experience will be a better one...
Twitter : @Real_NiggaRadio

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